Monday, February 13, 2012

Shoe love...

I am in love with a few pair of shoes. Everything about the style, the colors is amazing. I want them all! They are by BP. 


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Jessica's Little Shop

These prints/paintings are amazing. The colors...the styles. I am in love. What a great thing to decorate with. They are by Jessica Durrant...a genius with watercolor!  

Absolutely my favorite. The colors. They style.

This reminds me of my time in NYC. Would make a great gift for my dear Patrick.

Don't you just want to be her!

Obsessed with umbrellas lately!

Absolutely gorgeous.

I think she would be my friend!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012



Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Signs of Spring

I have been trying to get up in the morning and walk. There is something about the quiet of the morning that I need to collect my thoughts before a hectic day. It has been warm in North Carolina...winter seems to have skipped us. There are signs of spring and I must admit...I am excited for the next season. Some of the things I am most excited about...

Sandals...I am loving these over-priced sandals from Anthropologie

 Dresses...interesting prints...bold colors! From ShopSosie and Urban.

Crossbody from Old Navy (who would have thought!)