there were some real "moments of spark" in my trip and i have to share them!
- My marmie: she took care of me for weeks and complained very little. she made great food, got me drugs and held my hand when i was in pain and scared. she is the best mom there is - she is the reason i spark.
- My sissy: she kept me laughing pretty much the entire time i was here. i was lucky to have her home during the day to catch up on TV and just hang out. she also got me food and made me yummy lunches. she is also the reason i spark.
- White Lake: i was able to go to white lake with my mom and sister to visit my dad and grandmother. two of my uncles also made a surprise visit and it was really great to be with everyone. getting to lie on the pier with my mom and meg and talk about everything and nothing was really incredible. we had great shots of the great blue heron and ate until our hearts were content. that was a moment of spark.
- My Aunt Mary Jo: my aunt spent hours with me in the hospital and allowed me to talk and talk (drug induced) and promised to keep all of the secrets i gave away secret! Getting to spend quality time with her (for the first time really as an adult) meant so much to me. that was a moment of spark.
- Patrick's visit: my roommate, best friend and vlog partner surprised me with a visit to NC. getting to introduce patrick to "the south" and getting to see him try cheerwine and sundrop was really special. spending a saturday night watching the suzy orman show was a moment of spark

- Seeing Ashley: my dear friend and fellow blogger from 31 experiment blog was in NC visiting and i had the opportunity to see her. we had a great dinner and talked. i got to meet her beau and that was a moment of spark
- Having visits from all of my bridesmaids made my month: Getting to hang with Jaime and even celebrate her dad's birthday with their family and her graduation, that time was so special to me. Having my sweet best friend Morgann call to check on me, visit me and jump up as soon as I needed anything. And getting to visit with Devon and her baby boys. They are all moments of spark.
- My dear friend Heidi's visit: one of my best friends Heidi came to see me while I was recovering. Heidi is the kind of friend that showed up at my house with a diet coke and my favorite sandwich from an old college favorite (quiznos). she brought me the sandwich without even calling. she remembered and i adore her. i got to see her precious daughter tori and that was a moment of spark

Some other great "moments of spark":
- Celebrating the birthday of my best friend's husband - Jaime & Brandon - getting to be on crutches at a piano bar was priceless

- Seeing Devon and her boys = moment of spark
- Getting to be at the graduation of my cousin(Congrats Douglas) = moment of spark
- Having dinner with my sweet step-sisters = moment of spark
- Getting to try on my wedding dress 2 times with the amazing Michele Nassaney = moment of spark
- Watching not only the original pride and prejudice with my mom but also sense and sensiblity
- Getting to hang out with Jaime's Charlotte girls - great seeing Mandy, Martha, Melissa, Mandy & Hailey - and a big shout out to Martha who drove me around and Shannon, who let me design her new baby blog = moments of spark
- Picking my bridesmaid dresses! = moment of spark
- Getting to hang out with my mom and sisters cat! = moment of spark

- getting to drive around my old town and run into people i know = moment of spark
- my sweet alan came to visit right after the surgery and our dear friend PK came to visit = moment of spark
New York City and my 6-floor walk-up apartment HERE I COME!!!!
Wait... what car accident? Did I miss that?? I hope everyone is okay!!